Tennessee Chapter, NECA
The Tennessee Chapter, NECA has over 40 Electrical Contractor Members and 30 Associate Members covering Chattanooga, Knoxville, Nashville, Oak Ridge, the Tri-Cities and everywhere in-between.
Since 1957 we have shared a strong legacy of service and leadership to the electrical construction industry in Tennessee.
Breakthroughs in technology and techniques, labor relations, workforce development, safety and health, legislative and regulatory affairs, marketing trends, codes and standards, or business management. we keep our members in the know on ALL issues important to them as electrical contractors.
NECA's Management Education Institute offers business, technical and project management courses for supervisors and middle - and executive-level managers.
NECA offers its members an opportunity to have a direct say in the electrical construction industry and its future a regular meetings held at the chapter, regional and national levels.
NECA members receive publications pertaining to virtually every area in which our association is involved, financial and operational data, National Electrical Installation Standards®, and the fruits of Electrical Contracting Foundation research.
Being a NECA member means never being left to face the potential problems in the complex labor-relations arena alone.
NECA members are provided savings through special discounts on products and services that members use everyday.
Since its founding in 1901, the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) has been helping electrical contractors be better and more profitable business owners. NECA members are companies that are primarily engaged in power distribution and/or integrated system work.
The reasons for joining NECA are as varied as the companies that make up our membership, but one thing all our members have in common is access to services tailored specifically to electrical contractors. Members save substantially by taking advantage of what our association offers rather than retaining such resources on their own. NECA's nationwide network of over 5,000 electrical contractors and 120 NECA chapters across the country means that we are available for assistance no matter what area you are working in.
The Mission of NECA is to lead the electrical industry by example and to the highest levels of Quality, Skill, Competence, Value, and Integrity, thus acceptance by our customers and community.
NECA has provided over 100 years of service to the $130 billion electrical construction industry that brings power, light and communication technology to buildings and communities across the U.S.
Tennessee Chapter is proud to be part of the 119 local chapters as we advance the industry through advocacy, education, research and standards development.
Chapter Staff
Chase Pendergraft
Executive Director
Tel: 423-894-4357
Whitney Wilson
Office Manager
Tel: 423-894-4357
Robin Pendergraft
Benefit Reporting
Tel: 423-894-4357